Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reform the Democratic Party, fight lobbyists plus dissemblers of the Constitution, then....

Democrats should always be on the side of the people. So when the Party begins to stray, we should bring them back to their roots. As John Edwards says, our party is the Party of the People. ; it should be a first line defense party for the Constitution + Economic Justice

And John Edwards and we are just the people to do it!

Yes, by all means, to reform the Party, we must focus on the influence of Lobbyists and insiders on the party - way overdue.

But in the wake of this disastrous Wiretapping Bill for which the Democrats rolled over, with barely a whimper, it it is clear we have to teach the Democrats something about keeping their solemn oath to defend our Constitution and forsaking tepid and weak-kneed defenses of that Constitution. It is critical that they learn the most basic self-defense against real spoilers of the Constitution. We have to help Democrats resist being stampeded in to supporting outrageous encroachments on our civil liberties.

I applaud the challenge Senator Edwards posed to the Democratic Candidates and the Party this past Saturday at KOS on ridding the Democratic House of influence peddling by Lobbyists.

Now, let's similarly call on Democrats of Congress to do the right thing for our Constitution and way of Democracy, stand firm against fear and intimidation and begin by repairing the damage Democrats participated in this awful weekend. From there, we can go onto other reforms for the Party.

Congressional Democrats have nothing to lose but their reputations as being concerned more about protecting themselves than they for the people who elected them.

Just as John Edwards is sending copies of the Constitution to Gonzalez, let's start this part of the Democratic Party reform by sending copies of the 4th Amendment to those who voted Yes on the Wiretapping bill. How about setting up a Congressional School of the Constitution to which all Congressional representatives would be expected to attend.

Karita Hummer San Jose, CA

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