Friday, August 24, 2007

Double-speak in the Security and Prosperity Partnership

It's 1984 in 2007! America, wake up!

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user icon Karita Hummer in Quick Posts Feed of
8/25/2007 at 1:16 AM EST

It's 1984 in 2007. America wake up!

"Security is the new prosperity. Surveillance is the new democracy." Naomi Klein

"Big Brother Democracy: The Security State As Infotainment" by Naomi Klein, Published on Friday, August 24, 2007 by The Nation 08/24/3376

Al Qaeda and the forces that would exploit Al Qaeda have won the day! The latter are transforming our society before our very eyes and under the glare of surveillance cameras, ensuring prosperity for mega-businesses, undermining the opportunity for workers, and empowering the elite and dis-empowering the people.

For anyone concerned about the dissembling of our Society and our civil liberties, economic justice for all and the stewardship of our planet, you have got to be concerned about what the Big Three (U.S., Mexico and Canada) are up to with their Security and Prosperity Partnership and its subsidiary, North American Competitiveness Council.

According to Naomi Klein, it appears that the recent summit in Canada of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of the Big Three, the full panoply of the disingenuous interest in what protestors had to say, the keen interest in what big corporations had to say, the surveillance of protestor movements and activities, and the private profit of security was in clear display.

Further, Naomi Klein connects all the dots and helps us make sense of all the recent events that have taken place in the last month related to the loss of civil liberties at the behest of our Unitary Executives, with the full capitulation of Congress.

For example, she states,

"In the run-up to the SPP summit, a spate of surveillance scandals helped paint a fuller picture. First, Congress not only failed to curtail the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping but opened the door to snooping into bank records, phone call patterns and even physical searches-all without any onus to prove the subject is a threat. Next, the Boston Globe reported on plans to link thousands of CCTV cameras on streets, subways, apartment buildings and businesses into networks capable of tracking suspects in real time. And on August 15, confirmation came that the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency-the arm of the US military that runs spy planes and satellites over enemy territory-would be fully integrated into the infrastructure of domestic intelligence gathering and local policing, becoming what the agency calls the "eyes" to the NSA's "ears.""

"Big Brother Democracy: The Security State As Infotainment" by Naomi Klein, Published on Friday, August 24, 2007 by The Nation 08/24/3376

Now, this gives us some idea why the Administration was in such a hurry to and steamrolled Congress in to approving an warrant-less wiretapping for international calls before their recess. Was it because they had to have all the pieces in place for the all important Security and Prosperity Partnership that took place this past week, August 19th- August 21st.

And what kind of peon does this make you feel like?

Will we survive another year under such doublespeak and deviousness? What a dismantling job the Edwards Administration will have on their hands when they confront the insidious mechanisms that this current Administration will have put in place in this country and now, think of it, in our neighboring countries, as well. What a tangled and unsavory mess they have woven! I trust only John Edwards to be up to the daunting task of restoring our rights in the aftermath of the Bush Administration.

Karita Hummer
San Jose, CA

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