Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Scott Catamas gets Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

My experience of Meeting John Edwards today, by Scott Catamas

Cross posted from JohnEdwards.com

Al Gore listening to Scott Catamas speak at the CLIMATE PROJECT presenters training

This was posted on www.JohnEdwards.com

I award it with my Karita Hummer's Silver Pen award

I have been following John Edwards since his 2004 campaign, and have been increasingly attracted to his populist message. Today, I saw him speak in person for the first time (in San Francisco). It has been a long time since I have felt such HOPE and INSPIRATION from a political leader. I personally trained with Al Gore (in January of this year) to be one of his climate project presenters, and I have great respect for him. However, John Edwards platform and key points represent my values and vision for an American President.

I went to see John Edwards today. In short, as I listened to this man speak, I felt greater hope than I have felt in a very long time. In the crowded room, my eyes grew wet and my throat tight as I realized that we have an ELECTABLE progressive candidate, whose values match ours! I recognize that many of our friends are supporters of Dennis Kucinich, whom I admire and respect. But he is not going to win a general Presidential election in 2008. John Edwards can, and will win, IF he can get the Democratic Nomination. Here is my "report" on what I heard today:

Please put on your political hat, if you don't mind. Living in the Bay Area, and being close to Lori Grace has put me deep into the understanding of how much of a different elected officials can make. The difference between our world under the BUSH ADMINISTRATION vs. a GORE ADMINISTRATION is enormous. I am personally overwhelmed at times with horror at the choices that the Bush Administration has made, and how it is affecting our planet and the people of this world. Especially Mother Nature.

Since 2003, I have been very attracted to John Edwards, and I have been following him closely. Today, he came to San Francisco, and I attended a luncheon in his honor. Richard, this guy is the real deal. His Platform and intentions match my values and opinions of what our world needs. He is the closest thing to a BOBBY KENNEDY since Bobby himself. Here are a few of the highlights of what he shared in his presentation to us today:

- He has a comprehensive plan for Universal Health Care, which he proposes could be fully funded just by eliminating the tax cuts that Bush gave to the Wealthy. He immediately stated his anger that the Health Insurance & Pharmaceutical companies are making obscene profits while 50 million Americans are without Health Coverage.

- He proposes that the U.S. restores it's image in the world by using it's sole superpower status to make the world a better place. Specifically, he is proposing that we use our wealth and military manpower to make sure that all Third World Countries have proper drinking water, and that we provide HIV medicine to all. He has a powerful plan for us to provide primary education for 100 million children in the Third World. He adamantly opposes the Iraq War; he voted against it while in office, and has led the charge to get out NOW. He also opposes the lunacy of things like the current Bush plan to sell $20 billion dollars worth of Arms to Saudi Arabia. He understands what a true leader should be: a source of support, instead of a bully.

- He is all about standing up to the true "bad guys". He pointed out that it is not about a divide between "the rich and the poor". It's about the divide between the Mega-Corporations and everyone else. He has a long history (as a lawyer) or representing "the little guy", and he stated powerfully that you cannot negotiate with the Oil Industry, or the Military Contractors, or the Pharmaceuticals, or Insurance Companies. HE said the only way is you must BEAT them and then sit down at the table.

- He has a plan to provide free college education to ALL Americans in exchange for their volunteering 10 hours a week for approved service organizations. This plan has worked very well in his home state of North Carolina.

- His anger and outrage at the Bush - Cheney decisions and approach to government completely mirror mine, and I imagine yours.

Please hold the vision that John Edwards is our next President. I know that it may seem like a longshot, but here is how he can do it. Right now, he is leading the polls in Iowa (the first Caucus) and South Carolina (another early primary). He is in a neck-and-neck tie with Obama in New Hampshire. His website is getting more hits than Obama or Hillary, and he is clearly the POPULIST / PROGRESSIVE candidate. If he can win those first few states, there will be an immediate surge in his popularity and viability as a candidate. Most polls show that he would defeat Giuliani and ANY Republican candidate in the general election. However, those same polls show that Rudy G. could beat Hillary. There is a lot of ANTI-HILLARY energy out there; the only ones agains John Edwards are the Multi-National Corporations that he will go after. Now they are who currently rule our world. But now is the time for the people to take back our Government.

I am convinced that John Edwards is our best chance to bring the world back into balance, especially after all of the damage done during 8 years of BUSH-CHENEY-OIL-HALLIBURTON. Please join the John Edwards e-mail list, and follow what he has to say. I invite you to go to www.JohnEdwards.com and get on his e-mail list. His ONE CORP campaign to change America is powerful. Between now and the election, it is a way to stay well informed and sign important petitions. It doesn't cost anything except some time.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my perceptions of John Edwards. Politics are not fun, especially these past years with constant defeats and horror-filled decisions by Bush-Cheney.

However, if a man like John Edwards becomes President, we can finally see the kind of world that we have been visioning throughout our lifetime. It will take ALOT OF us holding the vision, and doing our part. Please consider joining his e-mail list.

Respectfully submitted by Scott Catamas,
Marin County on August 1, 2007

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