Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award for " The top 10 reasons why the GOP loves Hillary's New Negatives" by jamess

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

The top 10 reasons why the GOP loves Hillary's New Negatives

user icon jamess in Quick Posts Feed of
8/21/2007 at 3:27 AM EST

Karl Rove has been raving about Hillary lately:

"She enters the primary season with the highest negatives of any front-runner since the history of polling began," he said. "She has more people who have an unfavorable impression of her than have a favorable impression. And not just in one poll, but in multiple polls."

So why ALL the keen interest, and subtle attacks on Hillary, Mr Rove? I thought you had "a family to get back to"?

Perhaps this explains it --
"The top 10 reasons why the GOP loves Hillary's New Negatives."

10) Her high Negatives mean some Democrats dislike her enough that they will write-in ABC (Anybody But Clinton).

9) Her high Negatives mean some Democrats dislike her enough that they will not be motivated to Vote.

8) Her high Negatives mean MOST Independents have already made up their minds about her (and it's not good).

7) Her high Negatives mean that most dejected Republicans will be VERY motivated to Vote.

6) Her high Negatives mean she has little room for any errors in her Campaign.

5) Her high unfavorables means there will be very few "Undecided Voters" left for her to pick up.

4) The Only Other Presidential Candidate, who has made it to the White House, after starting out with such High Negatives is -- Guess Who? -- none other than Bill Clinton.

3) Her high unfavorables mean that GOP Swiftboat Strategies will be easier to sell to the public (I can see the "Whitewater Whitewash" now.)

2) Her high unfavorables almost guarantees a 50/50 Electorate again (and you know what that means!)

And the Number One reason WHY the GOP loves Hillary's New Negatives.

1) Hillary's high unfavorables mean that their GOP Candidate (whoever it is) can just run Negative Ads AGAINST Hillary, INSTEAD OF running on their OWN merits, strengths, and character! (Because they sure don't want that, now do they?)


So how bad are those Negatives? Well "all signs point to trouble" for this career politician, with "more Name Recognition than Charisma" --

USAToday-Gallup Poll Favorables Clinton


And what about our Favorite Candidate? Well, John Edwards has LOW Enough Negatives to give Karl Rove Heartburn!

USAToday-Gallup Poll Favorables Edwards


Here is the comprehensive poll that show the Trends over time for Favorable vs Unfavorables on the major Candidates, conducted by USA TODAY/Gallup poll, as report 07-09-2007.

Worse yet for Hillary, the Latest August Numbers show Hillary now has even MORE Unfavorables than Favorables! (49% to 47%)

Geesh, what happened in the last month? Only that we found out Hillary likes to "represents Lobbyists" at least as much as she "represents us". Nice, huh?

It seems too that some regional Democratic Candidates are starting to worry about the effects of the "Clinton Coattails", if she ultimately gets the nod. [see previous link] That's all we need -- is to give back BOTH Congress AND the White House to the GOP!

If you want a Candidate with wide appeal. One who will carry states in the South and West, previously not in play for Dems, well then:


... and if you just want MORE OF THE SAME, well I bet Karl has a few ideas on who he like to see you should vote for!

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