Thursday, August 16, 2007

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award for "The Ripple Effect" by Rosy Baldwin

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

The Ripple Effect

user icon Rosy Baldwin in Quick Posts Feed of
8/16/2007 at 1:18 AM EST

America is at a crossroads today. Never before in our nation's history has our choice for President and Vice President been so crucial. Despite the MSM's constant attempts to liken the upcoming election to a "horse race" or a "contest" with debate "winners" and "losers", those of us with insight (Democrats, Republicans & Independents alike) know that the upcoming outcome will affect not only America, but the rest of the world as well. This is a do or die election, folks! Well we know it; it is no "American Idol" popularity contest.

When we read about JRE's solutions, ideas and hopes for our country, we nod our heads in assent (most times!) and we sense that the core problems facing America today really boil down to one thing: Lack of empathy for one's fellow man, indeed for one's fellow creatures who share this planet's fragile space with us.

For when we lack empathy, we cannot see past our own greed, hatred, prejudice & cruelty and we strive only to get the better of others, to out-FOX (haha, pun intended!) them and to take from them what is rightfully theirs, just so we can line our own pockets or make ourselves feel more powerful, more important.

Every time we commit a greedy, selfish act, we are knowingly (or perhaps unknowingly) hurting another living being. This is the ripple effect in our society and it works exactly the same way as when you drop a stone into a calm body of water and you watch the rippling concentric rings spreading ever outward.

On the other hand, hope, kindness, empathy & self-respect can ripple outward in a delightful way. When we care about ourselves and others equally, we take pride in our handiwork, our creations, we reach out to others, we try to iron out our differences, we seek peace and shun war, we solve problems rather than make them.

America has had difficult days in the past but she has always rippled outward with sparkles of hope. The last 6 years have seen a darkening of her waters, a murky turbulence that threatens to grow ever larger. But it is still not too late! With an able captain at the helm (JRE) we will sail through the stormy waters and once again will beam a beacon of hope...from sea to shining sea.

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