Friday, July 5, 2013

The Network for Spiritual Progressives condemns as immoral, the prosecution of Bradley Manning and attempt to prosecute Edward Snowden

The callous disregard of our privileges under the Bill of Rights is demoralizing to a nation raised in the belief  that ours is a land of freedom and liberty.  Paraphrasing Alan Paton, "Cry, my beloved Country!"  I ask, Uncle Sam, do you know what you are doing?!

The Network for Spiritual Progressives (NSP) has written a letter to Presdient Obama decrying the immorality of prosecuting Edward Snowden and US Army soldier, Bradly Manning.

In unequivocal terms, the NSP stated,

"President Obama,please come back to your highest self. Stop being a puppet of the national security state and become a champion of our privacy, our human rights, and human decency. If you want to look “tough” on crime, prosecute those who tortured detainees at Guantanamo and other US prisons, those bankers and investment firms who caused millions to lose their homes and their jobs in the continuing Great Recession, those who run corporations that are destroying the earth’s environment for future generations, and those who exploit the poor and the powerless. If instead your legacy is to prosecute the whistle blowers who call attention to the misdeeds of government, the military, the national security apparatus and the corporate elites, you will rightly be scorned by future generations of Americans."

I signed the NSP letter, and you can, too!  

I signed the NSP letter to President Obama, because I think it is utterly reprehensible that our civil liberties are being so easily undermined and because International Law is being so disregarded by the Obama Administration. I say these things are not being done, in my name, and I utterly disapprove. I feel as though I have lost my Country, and I am bereft. Karita Miraglia Hummer

Moreover, I thoroughly agree with The Guardian's assessment of the Administration's actions, printed two days ago:

America's whistleblower persecution sullies the US constitution,    and Wednesday 3 July 2013 11.56 EDT,

Our government is forgetting and dismantling our most cherished ideals!   "Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."  Benjamin Franklin 

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