Monday, October 29, 2007

"Why They Hate Us or Connect the Dots, Devastation Version" gets Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

Barbies that are not safe for American Children or Chinese Workers or

Like a little fire with your gasoline?

Cross-posted from:
John Edwards'08 Blog - For All of Us

Why They Hate Us or Connect the Dots, Devastation Version

Fr4nki in Arguments & Analyses Feed of
10/27/2007 at 8:19 PM EST

Why They Hate Us or Connect the Dots, Devastation Version

The report below provides an excellent snapshot of corporate treatment of overseas workers; this one focuses on working conditions of Chinese workers employed by Mattel. nt/China/Mattel/Toys_Misery_WEB.pdf

There is too much infuriating information to summarize here but what is missing are the larger ramifications of these situations. Let's see if I can connect the dots:

--Allows China "favored trade" status, you know, happy, happy, joy, joy, free trade, in spite of continuing human rights violations
--Eliminates US jobs
--Avoids "tough" product legislation, like those ridiculous laws that keep lead away from kids
--Waives rules concerning workers' hours, wages, age, etc.
--Cheats workers out of wages due
--Since so much money was saved on production, mark up cost to consumers 200-300%
--Do not test products for lead or other contaminants, instead
--Spend 24 TIMES the cost of production to advertise the toy to consumers
--Pay CEO 6,533 TIMES what you pay the Chinese worker to produce the toys

In the continuing reports of tainted products flooding US markets, the finger is consistently and angrily pointed at CHINA when it is the corporation who is at fault.

We must instead eliminate or radically reform the trade agreements that allow conscious-less corporations to eliminate jobs at home so they can exploit workers and spoil the environment in developing nations, all the while making off with millions in profits and flooding our stores with goods that threaten our health and safety.

It's not just bad for us--around the globe these corporations are the face of America. I can't imagine how the Chinese workers must detest us, working a grueling 17 or 20 hours a day to create a smiling garish caricature of American gluttony and callousness.

Don't be discouraged by the report's length; it's a very easy read and worth your time. Please, take Mattel toys off of your shopping lists.

Last, and maybe most important, share John's message with your friends. He gets it and is not afraid to take on this terrible system. I think he's our only hope.

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