Monday, October 15, 2007

A Progressive Populist's Prescription for an Ailing Democracy

We the People are affirmed and empowered by John Edwards' initiative for One Democracy, a truly democratic way of life for America. From that vantage point, our moral leadership in the world will be reinstated. We will lead by example.

Cross-Posted from John Edwards Blog

JRE's Prescription for America: Empowering Citizens through a One Democracy Initiative

user icon Karita Hummer in Quick Posts Feed of
10/14/2007 at 5:47 PM EST
John Edwards announced the most marvelous medicine for America. It is just what is needed for an ailing country: "election reform, reforming campaign finance to strengthen small donors, and ending the unique power of lobbyists."

By announcing his "One Democracy Initiative: Returning Washington To Regular People", John Edwards is affirming his faith in the American Social Contract, as derived from the Preamble to the Constitution:

" We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.[1] " Preamble to the Constitution

As Wikipedia states:

"The language "We the People" explains that the power and authority of the federal government of the United States does not come from the various states, or even from the peoples of the various states, but rather from the greater entity identified as the people of the United States of America. The Constitution thus serves as a compact or contract between the people of the United States, the several States, and a newly created entity: the federal government of the United States."

Wikipedia, _the_United_States_Constitution

Election reform, reducing the influence of lobbyists, enacting meaningful campaign finance reform, and enabling citizens having a greater voice in government are the surest ways to rejuvenate our democracy. In this system, the people are accorded rights, power and responsibilities. John Edwards is calling on all of us to step forward, take ownership and give back to our communities and Country.

I have not recalled any candidate so explicitly giving so much power to the people nor encouraging such broad based participation.

John Edwards is a candidate who gets Democracy!! We the people are the heart and center of the Edwards' populist campaign. We are at the core of Senator Edwards' purpose for running. A Presidency under John Edwards promises the American Social Contract as promised in the Preamble to the Constitution, but so terribly shredded these last seven years, will be honored and kept. Do you get democracy? Imagine America under a populist president who understands economic and social justice.

Karita Hummer
San Jose, CA

And here is a response fromt he John Edwards blog:

Great post Karita... (none / 0)

Bruce Ackerman, professor at Yale law school, has a great book called "We the People", and provides a great popular sovereignty interpretation of the constitution. I think you would really like it.

Edwards is nothing if not consistent and true in the philosophy of his campaign proposals, and in the particulars of how his campaign proposals work. 1) Improve the economic life of ordinary citizens. 2) Improve the amount and conditions of health care received by ordinary citizens. 3) Improve the democratic process to better represent ordinary citizens. 4) Improve access to education for ordinary citizens.

This is "walking the walk"....

by rjluczakII (The New Citizenship)

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