Monday, September 24, 2007

Saje Williams, Repeat Winner of Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award for, "My Ultimate Issue with Hillary Clinton"

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

My ultimate issue with Hillary Clinton

Reposted from John Edwards Blog

user icon Saje Williams in Arguments & Analyses Feed of
9/23/2007 at 3:46 PM EST

In a nutshell, I don't think she has the vision to be the leader we need in this coming time of tribulation. We face some staggering challenges, not only as a nation, but as a species, and nothing she has said or done in the past several years tells me that she's the kind of person who can rise to the occasion and be the person we need to lead not only us, but the rest of the world, into a harrowing and uncertain future.

We need a visionary--someone who can see and seek ways to implement desperately needed changes in the way we look at things and the way we do things...someone who isn't beholden to the status quo, who doesn't necessarily believe that the way things are done now is the way forward.

I see in other candidates the signs of having that kind of vision. Both John Edwards and Barack Obama have shown more than a glimmer of it. But I'm almost certain that Hillary Clinton is not the visionary we need.

John F. Kennedy was such a visionary. He foresaw a day when we would walk on the moon and, though he did not live to see it, that came about just as he said it would. That is the kind of vision we need now...though we need a different direction than that.

We need a direction that takes us towards energy independence, learning to adapt our lives to the pressures of global climate change, and away from the wars spawned by the mistakes of our past. We need not a "Third Way" but a "New Way."

We need to reach out and embrace what hope we can through burgeoning technologies. New discoveries and developments in energy production and storage, medicine and genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. These are the pillars of hope in this new millenia's threshold on which we crouch.

We need a leader who can see what might be and can help forge a path to what can be. Someone not rooted entirely in the past, but capable of gazing into the future.

There is hope for us, despite the dread certainty of some people as to our fate. But only if the United States reclaims its role as the home of those who challenge the future, as we once did. We can, but we have to find the will to do it, and choose the right person to be our standard bearer into this new century and new millenia.

All politics aside...I don't think that person is Hillary Rodham Clinton. And that's too bad, because there is nothing saying the person we need couldn't be a woman.

Just not that woman.

1 comment:

conefor4200 said...

Saje - I am with you.

Who can not like Saje's passion?
