Saturday, August 4, 2007

Why I support John Edwards.

Why I support John Edwards, my response to a question today

John Edwards: Best of All

I was asked today on another blog about why I support John Edwards, and I was happy to oblige. This is my response:


Let me declare unequivocally my support for John Edwards.

There is no question that this is an unusual primary, and that it reflects the influence of KStreet and Wall Street like never before, and that the need for campaign reform (money-wise) could never be clearer and that the corporate media is cherry picking candidates and smearing others. What it does mean, though, when, and if, you discern a difference in a candidate, you help, because there has never been a more important election. This is not a primary to wait out, folks, and all the more because of the hideous amounts of money being spent in this campaign. Just ask, why and from whom are those hideous amounts being contributed - why? The soul of America is on the line, and is up for purchase.

If there was ever a time for citizens to rise up, by insisting, through grassroots effort - organizing and campaigning, this is it. And the time is now. The stakes have never been higher.

Because this campaign is not being decided at the primaries; it is being decided on K Street and Wall St., and in the Board Rooms of Corporate Media - rather than at the kitchen table of ordinary Americans.

John Edwards' campaign for the transformation of America, is the exact tone we need for taking back America from the extreme right wing agenda of the last seven years. The tone of his campaign is that of moral outrage, spoken with a Southern Accent. And the pitch of that tone can be heard in the North, South, East and West, in Kansas and in New York City. It is the proper tone for America which has been lulled to sleep and not called to participate, sacrifice or care, just buy.

But his strong, morally laced, message, is also smart, well-thought out and very detailed: whether his policy positions be aimed at the environment, poverty (here and in developing countries), Iraq, health care, military personnel, labor, foreign policy, human rights, education, urban or rural America. And, throughout, his policies are consistent, thorough and integrated.

For me, front and center, is always social and economic justice. Bobby Kennedy has always been the standard for me for adherence to those values in the public sphere. Now, along comes John Edwards and I hear echos of Bobby Kennedy's message, so lost to us forty years ago!

And what are the echoes in John Edwards message. It is in his passion for the have-nots, disadvantaged, of the world, whether it be here or abroad.

What I care most about is his commitment to solving poverty in America, and in the world. His commitment to ending poverty, through work and self-sufficiency, in America in 30 years and his support for the UN Millennium goals to eradicate world poverty, is both compassionate and wise, wise because it strengthens the economy from the bottom up and creates conditions in the world of greater satisfaction and opportunity, making us much safer..

But it doesn't stop with poverty. He advocates for Universal Health Coverage, with choice, adherence to International Law (When here in San Jose recently, he declared that his first act will be to close Guantanamo), enabling all students who want to attend college to do so, attaining real stewardship for our environment, with a goal of halving carbon emissions, provide livable, fair wages for the military and better health care, restoring unions to their rightful place as the way to build and strengthen the middle class, fair and balanced trade that protects workers and the environment on both sides of the trade equation, a foreign policy that supports diplomacy and opportunity for developing nations and returning our government to the highest standards of moral leadership. This is why I am such an ardent supporter of him for the presidency. It is John Edwards' vision, his passion, his conviction and determination that inspire me and make me feel thrilled to think that we can once again hope to realize the potential in America that is ours for the proper exercise of will and effort.

Not since Robert Kennedy have we had such vision in a candidate. John Edwards is the man for our times.

Now, if we care about these issues, if we want this beautiful message to be broadcast to every corner of America, North, South, East and West! To every red state, blue state and purple state, to every small town, big town or city, to country, suburb and inner city; we can be the megaphone for this message.

That is what your timely support for John Edwards from today forward can do.

We haven't had a chance like this in a long-time.

Your pebble and mine and others will creates ripples and currents of victory that will enable the transformation of America.

"Each time a man stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." -Robert F. Kennedy

Karita Hummer San Jose, CA Willow Glen One Corps Chapter, Co-Chair Person

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