Thursday, January 21, 2010

But does a corporation really proverbially quack like you and I?

Cross-posted from Progressive Blue

Grassroots outcry needed NOW! Sign Petition at Public Citizen and spread the news of this travesty by the Supreme Court over Corporate Personhood.
Comments below. Cross-posted from Facebook.

Such sorrow over the demise of our democracy! Bush's supremes deliver again for Corporate America - and it is such a misinterpretation of our Constitution.

We live in Silicon Valley, where corporations are big, bold and innovative, but I have yet to see one of them look like, walk like or act like a human being, with one heart, one brain, veins, tongue or lungs. In other words, the corporation doesn't proverbially "quack" like us. As a whole, they are essential, and we admire what they contribute to our local and national economy. Mostly, though, they are entities with so much money, with their eye glued to the bottom line, that we would never want to accede our democratic power to them, because we know we would be over-powered completely.

Karita and Paul Hummer
San Jose, CA

p.s. I have started kickboxing exercise, and I think I will know the object of the exercise tonight.

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