Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dr. Mario Giorgianni posts a letter to President Barack Obama

Healthcare in America is easily one of our nation's thorniest and most pressing problems. Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award+ goes to Mario Giorgianni, M.D. for his creative and generous concept of how health care providers can contribute to addressing this obstacle to the health and well-gbeing of the nation as a whole. Dr. Giorgiaanni's earnest offer of mobilizing fellow doctors and other health care practitioners to weigh in on solving our health crisis is commendable in every way. It is through community partership such as Dr. Giorgianni suggests where our common good can be realized and experienced best.

Dr. Giorgiann, Rehabilitation Physician, has been providing care in the South Bay to patients with the most serious and long term health consequences of very grave health conditions. He has already demonstrated an ability to organize the best kind of quality care for his patients and to assemble topnotch health care teams on their behalf. President Obama, listen to this wise physician, Dr. Giorgianni. He has much to offer your administration and our collective community. His expert voice should be heard. KH

Letter from Mario Giorgianni, M.D. to President Barack Obama
Thu, Feb 26, 2009 6:24 am (Notice the time of Dr. Giorgianni's letter. Impressive, isn't it? KH)

President Obama

I greatly appreciated your speech to Congress. I found it moving and inspirational. Fortunately I DVR'ed it and my wife and 2 of her friends got to watch it (they were similarly inspired). I especially liked your focus on 3 main areas: energy, health care and education. I can't imagine the difficulty of trying to get us out of the current economic mess, navigating in unchartered waters. I honestly do not know if what you plan to do will work out best for the country; I do know, however, that you will evaluate progress and change the plan as needed. That is very comforting to me.

As a physician I feel that we can do more to help lessen the burden of the cost of health care. I would like to see you encourage physicians and nurses to donate a day per month for free service to those in need, who cannot afford insurance, or who do not have the means to pay for care. This could be done in a physician's office or in a clinic setting (space also donated by a hospital or other health care facility). Patients going to the clinic would receive basic health care services with dignity, compassion and a minimum of hassle (it would not be a burdensome waiting game). Much attention would be focused on preventative care, as it might be difficult to provide more comprehensive services in this setting. As an incentive to have physicians and nurses participate, some tax credit might be offered to them. I think it would be an honor for physicians and nurses to contribute to the health and well being those in this country in need of good
quality health care. It's good for all of us.

Please note that I would love to be a part of those physicians who have an ear with you in helping shape a health care policy that is effective, efficient and responsive to the needs of our citizens.


Mario G. Giorgianni, M.D.
Campbell, CA

* Sunday, September 16, 2007
What is Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award?

Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award is my own personal accolade for good writing that advances the progressive vision for America.

I had a fellow blogger ask, what is the meaning of Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award and this is what I answered.

I share it here, reprinted from the John Edwards blog.

"Just my own way of spreading the good word." (none / 0)

When I get excited about a piece I see, I think it deserves a silver pen award, as we have seen in our local newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News. (I first got the idea when I liked some of the writings I found on the John Edwards' Campaign web-site blog. I always thought it might be a good thing for the blog to have such an award, but, then I thought it would not really have been good for the Campaign to do such choosing.)

So, I invented my own, when I felt especially moved or impressed. It's just a personal accolade I like to give to our great citizen journalists in this blog community. When people accept the award, I repost their piece in my own blog site at Blogspot,

I hope it doesn't seem too presumptuous or that I am taking myself too seriously. It's poking a little fun at myself, but I do mean my praise very sincerely.

I will not limit my Silver Pen Award to blogs only found on the JRE blog, but will inlcude blogs and writings from other sites, as appropriate to the mission of my blogspot site which is to advance progressive thought.

Karita Hummer
San Jose, CA

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