Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bitterness, you say? How about a Unity Ticket and Cabinet to solve America's biggest problems.

John Edwards knew the way to One America. Would either of the remaining candidates please consult him?

by Karita Hummer

Cross-posted from: EENR Blog

Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 16:59:17 PM EDT
[edit diary]
The more I think of the conversation about Obama "bitterness" statements, about economically deprived Americans from small towns that have been forgotten, the more "bitter" I feel about my fellow Democrats, and the remaining Candidates included.

And, yes, Barack Obama, I did grow up in Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania, on the edge of Appalachia. I worked for Bobby Kennedy in 1968, indeed, helped draft him, and I worked for John Edwards, exactly for the same reason. Because they cared and realized about the economic problems of Western Pennsylvania, the Rust Belt, and Rural and Urban American small towns all over America, West, East, North, and South (as in New Orleans), and they didn't need to go on a campaign trail to discover it. No, they went on the campaign trail to solve it and to reach out to the people, with utter respect and empathy.
Karita Hummer :: Bitterness, you say? How about a Unity Ticket and Cabinet to solve America's biggest problems.
Like John Edwards, I have been dismayed that Democrats have not had the backbone to solve poverty and economic woes in America, because largely both parties are too beholden to mega-corporations. Think of it, Richardson, now an erstwhile supporter of Barack Obama, chided Edwards for fomenting class warfare! Class warfare, you say, Richardson!! No, John Edwards truly empathized with the economically disadvantaged of our country, and came up with the programs to solve their problems. He knew the Democratic Party, the Party, folks, needs as much transformation as does the Country, and he was ready to deliver it. Now, Obama is making some discoveries about the conditions of economically disadvantaged Americans. Better late than never, I say, but give some credit, where credit is due, and maybe we can all join in the solution.

How about a Unity Ticket, calling it a Unity Cabinet Ticket, that includes all the candidates who worked so hard in this last campaign, two candidates at the top and identified cabinet candidates, as well. A real ticket that would include Obama, Clinton, Edwards, Biden, Dodd, Kucinich, Gravel, and yes, Richardson, too. And even Gore and Kerry, two winners of the two past elections, called as "lost". A place for everyone in the administration. Each has something to contribute, and each brings an important perspective. Give credit where credit is due, and maybe, just maybe, we can win and start solving the problems in America.

Let me see, it has been since 1968, that I have been waiting. That's too long and I am getting too old for this Western Pennsylvania born American!

Karita Hummer
Edwards Democrat

I call an Edwards Democrat, a Democrat with backbone.

1 comment:

BruceMcF said...

I always say that the Replicants call it class warfare when the corporate fat cats attack and their victims defend themselves.

And they have a point: they prefer class plunder to class war, any day of the week and twice on Sundays.