Sunday, February 3, 2008

dmortell's "John Edwards Supporters Are Going Nowhere" gets Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

Winner of Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

John Edwards Supporters Are Going Nowhere

Cross-posted from John Edwards08 Blog

Diaries Feed of dmortell's Diary
2/03/2008 at 12:18 AM EST

I just sent the following email to Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews (ha!), Brian Williams, another NBC email address, and CNN.... since the media all want to know where John Edwards' supporters are going, I thought I'd let them know.

The media continue to speculate about which of the two remaining Democratic candidates will receive support from John Edwards' supporters. The answer is neither.

Considering that John Edwards has only "suspended" his campaign and did not outright quit, and given that he has already won delegates and that he can retain those delegates until the convention, and knowing that John Edwards' name is still on the ballots in primaries and caucuses across the country, John Edwards' supporters are choosing John Edwards.

As those of you who bothered to cover John Edwards already know, he has incredibly loyal supporters who believe that John Edwards is the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. To hear the two remaining "American Idol" candidates attempt to mimick him is laughable, although complimentary, as they know Edwards was right about what needs to be fixed in this country. But their hearts are not in the right place in this race and it shows: they sound as phony as they are. Furthermore, we know the remaining two are just saying what they think Edwards' supporters want to hear in their futile attempt to sway us to their camp. It's not working.

Throughout this campaign both Obama and Clinton have stolen Edwards' ideas and policies and tried to claim them as their own because of their lack of vision for their own positions. Edwards' stance on issue after issue was copied by them and subsequently perpetuated by the mainstream media as if the rock stars were the originators. You all know that Edwards was the first with a healthcare plan, first with the best ideas to combat global warming, first to even discuss poverty in America, pushed first to raise the minimum wage and fight for the middle class .... the list goes on.

John Edwards had the intestinal fortitude to speak the truth and stand up for the average person, something neither Obama nor Clinton can relate to. Because of his honesty, he alienated the powerful and the greedy and was largely blacked out by the mainstream media.

We know, you all have bosses to answer to. But your blatant lack of coverage was a disservice to the American voter. From the start, you portrayed the Democratic race as a "two-person" race simply to force your viewers to only look at Obama and Clinton.

John Edwards is a once in a lifetime candidate. It is shameful that the media's lack of coverage of Edwards means that the American people, en masse, were deprived of hearing his message. His message is our message. As I have stated, John Edwards is the heart and soul of the Democratic party.

So, where are John Edwards supporters going? They are going nowhere. They are voting for John Edwards.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Acebass said...

New Orleans is our best hope today...
