Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Naderites: There's a new man in town for Safety through Smart, Fair Trade

We need Smart, Fair Trade for good jobs, kids and the environment, as advocated by John Edwards.

Cross-posted from Daily Kos

by KaritaHummer [Subscribe] [Edit Diary]
Wed Nov 07, 2007 at 04:03:09 PM PST

Greens and Naderites: you can't find a stronger candidate to stand up to the special interests and corporate lobbyists who have put their companies' bottom line above the health and safety of America than John Edwards.

We must go for the Smart Trade policies of John Edwards, for jobs, safety, and fairness.

Today John Edwards spoke eloquently about the need to prevent toxic toys, food and medicine from entering this country, and as usual, he doesn't offer platitudes but a detailed plan for how to ensure only safe foods, medicines and toys enter this Country, starting with a call for the resignation of Nancy Nord, as acting chair of Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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Greens and Naderites: you can't find a stronger candidate to stand up to the special interests and corporate lobbyists who have put their companies' bottom line above the health and safety of America than John Edwards. We must go for the Smart Trade policies of John Edwards, for jobs, safety, and fairness. Today John Edwards spoke eloquently about the need to prevent toxic toys, food and medicine from entering this country, and as usual, he doesn't offer platitudes but a detailed plan for how to ensure only safe foods, medicines and toys enter this Country, starting with a call for the resignation of Nancy Nord, as acting chair of Consumer Product Safety Commission.

John Edwards stated:

"But American families shouldn't have to wait until 2009 - they deserve to know right now that their government is doing everything possible to keep them safe. That's why today I sent a letter to President Bush demanding the resignation of Nancy Nord, the acting chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, who has accepted travel expenses from the toy industry and opposes congressional efforts to strengthen the CPSC and protect Americans families from dangerous imported toys." John Edwards, Edwards Unveils Detailed Proposals To Stop Imports Of Dangerous Foods, Toys And Medicines, Nov 7, 2007 9:53 AM

John Edwards goes on to describe how lobbyists who protect companies that put their profits above safety must be stopped, how lead of any amount must be banned in toys, how country of origin labels must be placed on foods, and how FDA must spot check safety of companies in other countries who export products to us.

Now that's Smart Trade!

For more information on John Edwards' policy of smart trade, please go to:

John Edwards stated:
"But American families shouldn't have to wait until 2009 - they deserve to know right now that their government is doing everything possible to keep them safe. That's why today I sent a letter to President Bush demanding the resignation of Nancy Nord, the acting chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, who has accepted travel expenses from the toy industry and opposes congressional efforts to strengthen the CPSC and protect Americans families from dangerous imported toys." John Edwards, Edwards Unveils Detailed Proposals To Stop Imports Of Dangerous Foods, Toys And Medicines, Nov 7, 2007 9:53 AM
John Edwards goes on to describe how lobbyists who protect companies that put their profits above safety must be stopped, how lead of any amount must be banned in toys, how country of origin labels must be placed on foods, and how FDA must spot check safety of companies in other countries who export products to us. Now that's Smart Trade! For more information on John Edwards' policy of smart trade, please go to:



Would you pay more for your products for safety?
88% 15 votes
11% 2 votes

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