Thursday, November 4, 2010

Words of Wisdom from Rabbi Lerner, Credo and Professor Lessig

Rabbi Lerner has ten new commandments for Progressives, and if we are smart, we will take heed, because the same old way will not work for America, or any place for that matter.

Today, in despair, in response to a question from a friend about how I felt about the election debacle, I wrote these words :

"I feel horrible and really angry that the Supreme Court gave them such a free ride with their decision about corporate personhood political money influence=a person's right to speech. It helped them buy candidate. It is demoralizing, and the only saving grace is that I live in California, but we had losses, too. Senator Rand Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? What is especially disappointing is that the Supreme Court decision was never properly castigated either by Democrats who missed the boat or media, as usual. Now, our Democracy has been bought, and it feels almost too late to do anything about it!

Demoralized and angry and feeling pretty powerless,


Then I got these words of wisdom from Rabbi Lerner, and somehow I began to feel better.

And this great analysis from Credo:

I posted the Credo analysis and call to action on Facebook, with this preface of my own:

"I share this, because I love my country and I want it to live up to the social contract, embodied in our Constitution.

Today, I was feeling mournful, because it seemed to me that the forces of greed, narrow-mindedness, and distortion had won in some, quite large, parts of the country, but then Credo sent me some very credible analysis with some antidotes and possible ameliorative actions, that go well beyond the palliative, which we sorely need, in my ever so humble opinion.

Weep no more, consider Credo's Action Plan, and take action.

Karita Hummer"

And, yet more words of wisdom from Professor Lawrence Lessig:

Take heart, fellow passionate progressive patriots, search for guidance, look deeply for wisdom and endurance to fight the good fight, continuously. i share the links as good antidotes to despair. do you remmber the despair of the 2004 election. This is a lot like that, but we didn't give up then, and we shouldn't do so now. Keep the faith.

Karita Hummer

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