Saturday, May 17, 2008

Could Edwards be dreaming of a Unity Ticket and a Unity Cabinet?

Cross-posted from EENR Blog

Thu May 15, 2008 at 00:57:24 AM EDT
[edit diary]
When someone suggested that John Edwards should be the Vice Presidential candidate - after his endorsement of Obama today, I gave the following response:

You are right on the mark, ..... That would be a good ticket, but I think Edwards is not that interested in that position. Why?, because I think he thinks Hillary should have it - for Unity sake - and that he should be in the Cabinet as Poverty Czar or Secretary of State. It IS time to think Unity - big way!!! Obama and Hillary have divided the Party and it needs to come together as a whole. We Edwards supporters have been a lot smarter and a lot more focused on the issues, as has John Edwards, himself. We get the big picture and we know most importantly the Democrats need to win in the Fall, with the best, most progressive candidate possible.

And if Hillary is not interested, then maybe Edwards can be persuaded to take the VP position, for the sake of the Party and the Country. Please don't think that I think Hillary in any way is the better choice for VP. I do not, and I do not think Obama is the better choice for President, over John Edwards, that is. But like John Edwards, I am now thinking about who can and how we can win. I think John Edwards is in a strong position to call some shots now and have some influence, the way he sees it. I like the position he is in. Good for him and good for us!! He gets it and we get it!!

Karita Hummer
Edwards Democrat

An Edwards Democrat is a Democrat with Backbone

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