Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Light My Fire" by Michael Duby receives Karita Hummer's Silver Pen Award

Recipient of Karita Hummer's Silver Pena Award

Light My Fire

Cross-posted from John Edwards Blog

user icon michael duby in Quick Posts Feed of
10/19/2007 at 9:03 PM EST

Today's AP article deserves wider readership among the Edwards website regulars. The point that stands out is that John Edwards is running for president to ensure that every American child has "fair opportunity" to succeed and be happy.

The squeezing of the American middle class into "lower-middle" status has not gone unnoticed. The disparity of wealth is as great as 1928; our saving rate negative and comparable to 1932-33.

"Only John Edwards has called for raising the minimum wage to $9.50 and creating a new test for trade: will new deals benefit working families, not just multinational corporations?

John Edwards is informed by the fact that 300,000 taxpayers make half of the nation's income, while 150 million make the other half, which represents the greatest income inequality in this country since 1928. This reality has been exacerbated by the combination of unfair tax practices, the ill effects of unfair globalization, and trade policies that mostly enrich multinational corporations and certainly not workers.
John Edwards has the most specific proposals of any candidate to restore tax fairness, enhance competitiveness and job growth, and make free trade also once again fair trade. Regarding the latter, John Edwards is for strong labor and environmental standards and against illegal subsidies and currency manipulation - and he is also for rigorous trade agreements enforcement, not just negotiation. In the detail and breadth of his proposals, John Edwards differs substantially from the other candidates." - Leo Hindery, Sr. Economic Advisor

Life life to the fullest every day. Contribute to this campaign with a clear vision that we have already made a huge impact by setting the policy agenda for the Democratic Party. wards-Profile.html

Build One America with joy and love and hope. /

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